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Health &


Nova提供与工作场所健康和安全危害相关的广泛服务,并遵守职业安全与健康管理局(OSHA)和加拿大职业健康与安全中心(CCOHS)法规. Its professional staff can help recognize, identify, evaluate, 在商业和工业环境中控制潜在的员工健康和安全问题.

Nova在开展工作场所危害评估以评估潜在的员工安全或健康风险并协助客户找到符合要求的解决方案方面具有丰富的经验, improve prevention, 或者管理可能导致工作场所事故和员工受伤或生病的风险. 诺瓦经验丰富的工业卫生和安全专业人员帮助客户提供安全的工作环境, leading to improved productivity, compliance, training programs, reduced losses, and employees who come to work safely and go home safely.

Nova staff also develops, implements, and presents many programs for its clients, such as periodic audits, job design, hazard communication, confined space, lockout-tagout (hazardous energy), hearing conservation, respiratory protection, and Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER). 它与OSHA、CCOHS、卫生部门和知情权合规问题全面合作.


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Asbestos Management

Nova’s group of asbestos professionals is dedicated to advising on, testing, and designing control systems for asbestos-containing materials.

Nova's Expertise

Nova’s professional staff includes Certified Industrial Hygienists, licensed Asbestos Inspectors, Management Planners, Supervisors, certified Abatement Project Designers, Air Sampling Professionals, and registered Professional Engineers and Architects. 工作人员在国家石棉培训中心(NATC)和麦克龙研究所(MRI)接受培训。, as well as in Nova’s EPA-recognized training programs.



Nova has developed the Jazz Asbestos Management 程序,由设施管理人员用于跟踪其设施中的石棉问题. 该软件程序还允许设施管理人员在进行任何翻新之前快速识别现有的石棉问题.



Comprehensive Asbestos Building Surveys

Nova conducts asbestos surveys that meet EPA and OSHA requirements. Its computerized program can update, change, and maintain facility information, including floor plans, digital photographs, and training data, 并允许多个设施的现场和场外物业管理.

Specification/Contract Administration

Nova的项目设计人员是epa认证的,可以准备小规模的石棉减排设计和规范,以完成设施减排项目. Nova manages abatement contracts from initial bid through final payment.

Contractor Oversight/Air Monitoring

Nova’s certified professionals provide abatement contractor oversight, project management, and on-site air sampling/analysis during asbestos abatement projects.

Operations & Maintenance Program (O&M)



Thomas Fiorentino-Strawn |副总裁-工业卫生服务集团负责人

Email | 612-750-1229

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Indoor Air Quality

Nova在室内空气质量(IAQ)评估方面有着丰富的经验, monitoring IAQ remediation projects, developing corrective engineering procedures, training employees, and performing periodic audits. 可以进行采样和测试,以测量空气中微生物污染物的暴露, chemical hazards, or excessive noise or heat. 评价也可能需要分析建筑作业,以制定控制空气质量的战略, 包括安装通风系统和修改工艺和瑞丰乐投letou官网.

Nova's Expertise

Nova在商业和住宅设施的室内空气质量调查方面拥有丰富的经验, microbial abatement monitoring, corrective engineering, employee training, and periodic audits. 所有室内空气质量调查均采用美国工业卫生协会(AIHA)推荐的抽样技术组合.


Nova的项目经常解决雇主或房主的监管和责任问题,并回应员工/居民的问题或投诉. 典型的室内空气质量调查需要实地考察,以确定可能导致过敏症状的室内条件, illness, and/or general discomfort. 通过培养和非培养分析技术进行采样和测试,以测量空气和建筑材料中存在的生物气溶胶(空气过敏原和/或细菌). 室内空气质量调查还包括对暖通空调系统和相关管道的检查和抽样. 向涉及健康索赔的客户提供专家证人证词和咨询服务.


  • Investigations

  • Remediation Project Design

  • Bid Services and Contract Administration

  • On-Site Remediation Oversight

  • Clearance Testing

  • Expert Witness

  • Mold

  • Bacteria

  • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC's)

  • Formaldehyde

  • Particulate Identification

  • Dust Mite Allergens

  • Sewage

  • Hydrogen Sulfide and Sulfur Dioxide

  • Mercury Vapor Testing

  • Infrared Thermography

  • Moisture Intrusion Assessment

  • Building Envelope Evaluation

  • Mechanical System Evaluation

  • Allergen Testing

  • Operations and Maintenance Programs


Thomas Fiorentino-Strawn |副总裁-工业卫生服务集团负责人

Email | 612-750-1229

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Lead-based Paint Management

Nova's Expertise

The professional staff at Nova includes Certified Industrial Hygienists, licensed Lead Inspectors, and lead-risk assessors.

Nova的工作人员是住宅物业含铅涂料新法规方面的专家.  They have completed numerous lead projects following HUD/FHA, HUD/EPA, EPA RRP, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and other lender-specific requirements. 诺瓦专业人员定期与客户合作,以满足联邦和州对含铅涂料的要求.



Testing Methods

使用x射线荧光(XRF)光谱分析完成含铅涂料的研究, paint chips, and soil samples. XRF surveys and inventories are accurate, timely, and cost-effective. This method causes little or no damage to existing finishes. XRF can also sample structural steel in building components. 漆屑取样也用于测试商业钢结构. Samples are collected and submitted to a laboratory for analysis. All three methods meet federal lead-based paint testing requirements.


  • Lead Analysis Utilizing Handheld Nitro XRF Analyzer

  • Hazard Control Plan Development

  • Lead Inspections

  • Lead Risk Assessments

  • Lead Abatement Monitoring

  • Lead Clearance Testing

  • Collection and Laboratory Analysis of Drinking Water

  • Field Sampling for Lead in Paint, Soil, Water, Air, Steel, and Dust

  • Lead Toxicity Risk Assessments

  • Lead Remediation Design and Project Management

  • Observations and Testing During Abatement

  • OSHA Compliance


Thomas Fiorentino-Strawn |副总裁-工业卫生服务集团负责人

Email | 612-750-1229

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Industrial Hygiene

Nova提供与工作场所健康和安全危害以及遵守健康和安全法规相关的广泛服务. Its professional staff can help identify, evaluate, 控制商业和工业环境中的健康和安全问题, assisting companies in compliance with OSHA standards.

Nova's Expertise

诺瓦在潜在职业暴露评估方面有着丰富的经验, indoor air quality monitoring, problem investigation, compliance review, corrective engineering, employee training, and periodic audits.

Nova staff also develops, implements, 并提出了危险废物应急操作和应急响应(HAZWOPER)计划, confined space, lockout-tagout, hearing conservation, respiratory protection, and hazard communication. 它与OSHA、卫生部门和知情权合规问题的全面合作.


Typical Projects

典型的项目解决了雇主的监管和责任问题,并回应了员工的问题或投诉. 这些项目需要对设施进行检查,以确定可能导致事故的危险, illnesses/quality of life issues, hearing loss, or repetitive motion injuries. 可以进行抽样和测试,以测量暴露于空气中的化学危害或过度的噪音或热量. 评估也可能需要对工程控制策略进行分析, including ventilation systems, process modifications, or product substitution. 向涉及健康索赔的客户提供专家证人证词和咨询服务.


  • Air Monitoring

  • Noise Monitoring

  • Problem Investigation

  • Compliance Review

  • Control Engineering

  • OSHA Programs

  • Expert Witness


Thomas Fiorentino-Strawn |副总裁-工业卫生服务集团负责人

Email | 612-750-1229

Nova's Expertise

The professional staff at Nova hold the following certifications: 

  • Certified Industrial Hygienists

  • Licensed Lead Inspectors & Supervisors

  • Certified Abatement Project Designers

  • Registered Professional Engineers & Architects

  • Certified Safety Professionals

Ask Us.

Nova Group, GBC (Nova)是一家国际咨询公司,在风险评估领域提供创新的环境和工程服务, investigation, management, compliance and corrective action activities.

Call: +1 855-440-9393

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Using Business as
a Force for Good

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St. Louis Park, MN 55416

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